Learn the Exact Details of the Options Strategies That Have Resulted in Average Gains of 120% so far in 2017…
…at a Near-Give-Away Price Never Offered Before
Terry’s Tips is an options newsletter that has been around for 16 years. Over that time period, we have developed and refined several options strategies that are enjoying unprecedented success.
We carry out 10 separate options portfolios for our subscribers to follow on their own with our favorite brokerage tastyworks or by having the trades executed automatically through thinkorswim’s Auto-Trade program.
Each portfolio is carried out in a separate account available for everyone to see (we don’t just publicize the most successful ones). Each portfolio employs a specific pre-defined strategy using one or more underlying stocks or ETPs (Exchange Traded Products). Unlike other options newsletters, we include the actual commissions in all our results.
The composite average gain for 2017 for our 10 portfolios through the first week of November was 120%. Subscribers who mirrored all 10 of our portfolios would have invested $48,600 in January. Those portfolios were worth $107,103 last week. But of course, you can mirror just the portfolios that you like or choose.
We have made these gains with various strategies including Credit Spreads and Selling Naked Puts. But for the last 16 years our flagship strategy is what we call the 10K Strategy. It involves selling short-term options on individual stocks and using longer-term (or LEAPS) as collateral. It is sort of like writing calls, except that you don’t have to put up all that cash to buy 100 or 1000 shares of the stock. The 10K Strategy is sort of like writing calls on steroids. It is an amazingly simple strategy that really works with the one proviso, that you select a stock that stays flat or moves higher over time.
How else in today’s investment world of near-zero dividend yields can you expect to make these kinds of returns? Find out exactly how to do it by buying yourself a Black Friday gift for yourself and your family. They will love you for it.
Lowest Subscription Price Ever: As a Black Friday special, we are offering the lowest subscription price that we have ever offered – our full package, including:
- Over 10 case study reports
- my 60+ page White Paper – which explains my favorite option strategies in detail and shows you exactly how to carry them out on your own
- a 14-day options tutorial program which will give you a solid background on options trading
- and two months of our weekly newsletter full of tradable option ideas.
Here is a sampling of the additional free reports you will get with a subscription to Terry’s Tips:
How We Made 100% on Apple
VXX – The Holy Grail for the 10K Strategy
Using the Vertical Credit Put Spread
Eight Consecutive Earnings Play Wins and What We Learned
An Options Strategy That Could Realistically Make 40% a Month
Two 2015 Case Studies of Option Portfolios – COST and SBUX
It is hard to place a value on these special reports – if they helped you improve your investment results for the rest of your life, how much might they be worth to you? Not exactly priceless, but maybe getting close to it.
For this lowest-price-ever $37.95 offer, click here, enter Special Code BF117 (or BF117P for Premium Service – $77.95).
If you are ready to commit for a longer time period, you can save even more with our half-price offer on our Premium service for an entire year. This special offer includes everything in our basic service, and in addition, real-time trade alerts and full access to all 9 of our current actual portfolios so that you can Auto-Trade or follow any or all of them. We have several levels of our Premium service, but this is the maximum level since it includes full access to all nine portfolios. A year’s subscription to this maximum level would cost $1080. With this half-price offer, the cost for a full year would be only $540. Use the Special Code MAX17P.
This is a time-limited offer. You must order by Monday, November 27, 2017. That’s when the half-price offer expires, and you will have to go back to the same old investment strategy that you have had limited success with for so long (if you are like most investors).
This is the perfect time to give you and your family the perfect Thanksgiving and Black Friday gift that is designed to deliver higher financial returns for the rest of your investing life. Just imagine sitting around at the family get together and explaining to your favorite know it all buy and hold uncle about Vertical Bull Put Spreads as his eyes glaze over.
I look forward to helping you get the next investment cycle (ride the holiday retail economy cash injection) started off right by sharing this valuable investment information with you at the lowest price ever. It may take you a little homework, but I am sure you will end up thinking it was well worth the investment.
Happy trading.
P.S. If you would have any questions about this offer or Terry’s Tips, please call Seth Allen, our Senior Vice President at 800-803-4595. Or make this investment in yourself at the lowest price ever offered in our 16 years of publication – only $37.95 for our entire package. Get it here using Special Code BF117 (or BF117P for Premium Service – $79.95). Do it today, before you forget and lose out. This offer expires on Monday, November 27, 2016.
P.P.S. Use special code MAX17P to get the ultimate Premium Special for $540 (normally $1080)
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